Seven months ago, Cason was born. Best Boxing Day EVER!
Since then, he's had almost four teeth come in, started solid food, said "mama" and "dada". He's rolling and crawling, holding his own bottle and growing at a rate that blows my mind.
Within the first minute of 2010, I had registered myself for the Canadian Death Race.
February 15 was my very first run. Clocked in at a whopping 19 minutes. A hard 19 minutes at that.
I've gone from running 19 minutes around the block, to running 21 km's of trail. From knowing very little about this "sport" to reading about different techniques weekly.
Now, I'm 5 sleeps away from calling myself a "Death Racer". One week away from finishing what I started. 6 days from completing the biggest personal goal I've ever set.
I'm nervous and excited. My mental game is starting to crack with anticipation. It's hard to focus on anything for any amount of time. I've got lists all over the place, gear, food, training logs. Now I just need to slow down, let my body do what I've trained it to do.
"The mind is the limit. We know that it is not the body. As long as the mind can envision the fact that you can do something, you can do it- as long as you really believe 100%. It’s all mind over matter."
Go like hell.