We went to Prairie Gardens Adventure Farm to spend the day. They have a HUGE corn maze, pumpkin patch and other fun things. I had all these great ideas for "memories". Photo ops in my head. Traditions that would last the kids a lifetime. Not so much. The corn was dead. It was cold. There was construction so we pretty much got there AT nap time. The pumpkin patch wasn't a patch at all. I tried. And we'll be back next year. Maybe that's when I'll start a tradition?
Corn mazes without corn aren't really mazes.
Kiara DID pick her own pumpkin though.
This year was our first go at Trick or Treating. I will file it under "Success" and "Repeat".
We went to the mall first. Big hit. Kiara was dressed as Jessie from Toy Story.
Cason was a duck.
Kiara didn't really get what was going on. I think she may have been on sensory overload. (That and she was to "acited" so her nap was skipped) LOTS of kids. Not a lot of repeat costumes which was nice and surprising. We saw one young girl, maybe 7? dressed as Nicole Scherzinger. Scary.
We came home for dinner. All Kiara wanted was fries and candy. Aanndd that's what she got. You gotta pick your battles. Am I right? Plus, Matt and I may have pretended we were 23 sans children the night before and stayed up until 4am. Who does that?! It was a round of tired at our house.
We went out and did the door to door thing for a bit. Kiara really enjoyed knocking on people's doors. That's all she did. No "trick or treat!", or "Happy Halloween!" heck, not even a "Thank you!" from our normally verbal and polite child. She just wanted to knock and run on the sidewalk. Of course. And eat candy.
Highlight of the day/night would deffo go to the lady that answered her door as follows:
Lady: "Oh look, it's a little Mexican. How cute!"
Lady's Daughter: "MOM! You can't say that! She's Jessie from Toy Story!"
**Entire house erupts in laughter**
Lady: "How am I supposed to know? I don't watch Toy Story."
Matt and I laughed for blocks. It still makes me smile.
That mexican story just made me laugh! I hope all is well in the McAllister household!