Saturday, July 10, 2010

Scared of the Dark

I'm scared of the dark.
And the wilderness.
I have no idea what possessed me to run SOLO at 11:30pm on a Friday night.
Clearly, I am not normal.
I will be finishing Leg 4 in the dark. The wee morning hours. So, natch, I want to get in a few night runs. Plus I did some reading on the subject and people warned of getting motion sickness when running with the headlamp. This didn't even occur to me.
I'm also scared of puking.
I was excited all day. Until about 10:45. Then the nerves kicked in. And I tried to come up with a good reason not to. Unforch, 38 km's over a mountain in 20 some days kept winning. Balls.
Only car in the lot. Good? Bad? Nervous. Set out up the first hill.
"Ok. I can do this."
A CRAZY storm had just past and everything was wet, muddy, felt like running on water covered plastic but that's what poles are for right? Thought I heard strange noises at the top. Stopped. Looked around. Got my RUN on. I had an idea running scared would increase my speed.
I was doing it!
Running in the dark!
In the wilderness!
And not being eaten!
Heard it again. Now I'm freaked out. There's got to be someone behind me. I can't see the parking lot.
"What if they've been waiting the whole night for some stupid girl to come out here by herself?! WHAT IF I'M THAT GIRL!?"
Know what it was? The massive power lines above me. When nothing else is going on, they make strange noises that I'm not used to. Lames mcplanes.
Running with the headlamp wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I'll try it next time without a hat. Those 2 feet right in front of you make a difference.
I was super tense. My toe hurt. (Cause I broke it. Sweet.) And I was SCARED. Did not want to be out there by myself. Plus, I decided it was dangerous. All muddy and stuff. So I bailed. Headed home after 20 minutes. Turned right around and booked it through a field cause I heard a noise.
"Fuck THIS!"
I was out.
So glad I'm not doing Leg 5. So. Glad.


  1. at least for the actual race, you will probably not be alone! People check on you and what not! and there are other racers!

    You are doing awesome, and I admire you!

  2. Not only that but I start in the day. HUGE difference!
    Thanks Jenna! You do some pretty amazing things yourself!
