Saturday, November 27, 2010

Eat. Climb. Destroy.

Eat: Find something. New, used, clean, dirty, anything and put it in your mouth. Climb: See if there's anyway to scale said item. Or stand on it. Probably with something in your mouth. Destroy: When all else fails, or you're otherwise done. Obliterate it in every way your small strong hands can. Especially if the item belongs to your sister. This, has become Boy Child's mantra. Cason's walking. I say this with little excitement. One day, he just figured it out. Hasn't slowed down since. Which means I haven't slowed down since. Boys. I tell ya. Not only is he walking, but he's also mastered the art of carrying things while walking. Resulting in a fit of giggles because he thinks he's the first child to do so. Also causing me to lose my mind because he's moving everything. Nothing is safe anymore.

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