Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Just a grocery shop

Yesterday was a big day for us. We went grocery shopping. Kiara, Cason and myself. Sadly, I'm now out-numbered but it needed to be done. Waited until after nap time, everybody had full bellies, it was as good as it was going to get. Out the door! First hurdle, actually GETTING out the door. I open it and Kiara stands there. Waiting for what I don't know. I've got Cason in my arms, the keys and grocery bags in my hands. Take a deep breath. She's not even two...she doesn't understand that she's RIGHT IN MY WAY!!!! Mom of the year grabs her by the arm and moves her on the porch but out of the way so I can at least get out and lock the door. Okay, step one is complete. Now we need to get to the car. Have you ever looked at the route map for a race? Become suddenly overwhelmed with the distance that you're supposed to complete? Same feeling came over me as I looked at the car. Must be miles away. Hazards, creeps, door locks, can we do this? Soldier on, you're gonna do 38 km's over a mountain. This is my new mantra. I get down the stairs to hear "Uppy's". Now she doesn't want to walk down the stairs, guess that's only fun when you're in the house and not supposed to, she wants to be carried. Good thing it's small distance. Finally make it to the gate. As I open it I step back only to knock Kiara over, which I don't even realise until I hear her head hit the cement. She's okay but a little concerned with the snow on her hand. Squatting down to help her up I thought about quitting. No joke. Not even out of the yard and I want to give up. You've had two babies, TWO! With no drugs and you want to quit now?! What's Hamel gonna do to you? Soldier on... All three of us make it to the car in one piece. Pretty sure I deserve a medal at this point. Get Kiara in her seat and as I'm strapping Cason in, he pukes ALL OVER himself. I almost cried. Instead I took a deep breath, looked longingly at the comfort of home and drove away. The shop in and of itself was fairly uneventful. Some guy gave me the once over. Really?! I'm covered in puke, wearing a baby with matching puke stains and have Kiara in the cart. My shoes aren't even done up for Christ's sakes! Then I realised that Cason had shifted down in the carrier and my boobs were at least half out for all to enjoy. Le sigh. Getting both of them in the car and loading the groceries wasn't as tricky as I thought it would be. By then I was TIRED. Home and unload. Now THAT'S a skill. Kiara's pretty content to hang out outside in the yard as I run back and forth ignoring the sounds of my hungry son. So groceries are in, Kiara's got her shoes and such off and Cason is starving. As I'm feeding him, my little helper decides that she's going to put the groceries away. Of course I tell her to stop. She puts back what ever it was and books it for the kitchen; catching her foot on the strap of the bag and bailing hard, flat out on her face. Now she's SCREAMING. But the scary kind that only kids get where it sounds like they stop breathing? You know, right before it gets REALLY loud? I jump up, well, get up, pop Cason off of me, put him down and scoop her up. Now he's pissed. And I think, would it be so wrong to just sit down and cry with them? I mean people do that right? Right?

1 comment:

  1. I love it! Takes me back a few years though. . .

    Aunty Sandra
