Monday, February 8, 2010

Monday Starts

I've gone and done it. Here I am sitting at the computer ready to put my personal life and thoughts out into the scary world of inter web. AH! What am I thinking?! I'm thinking, this is a great place to ramble. To keep friends and family updated on the goings on in our lives but mostly a place for me to verbally vomit the noise in my head.
So what's new, what's going on, why now? Well, I figured now is as good a time as any. I'm about to start training for the Death Race and wanted a place to track and post the process. Facebook only reaches so many people and most of those people don't want to read about the daily grind. And at the end of the day, I just like to write. I can remember when mom worked at the Observer, back in the "old days" before we had a computer, I used to sit at the electric type writer and pound the keys. I find the sound therapeutic. And it's Monday.
For whatever reason, as long as I can remember, I like to start new things on Mondays. Diets, training, any kind of new goal or lifestyle change, always on a Monday. Odd.
Cason and I see the midwife tomorrow. I'm waiting to hear from her for the go ahead for my training. Do you see the problem here? That means that I probably won't start training until WEDNESDAY! This makes me nervous. My first mental hurdle. Nevermind that 38km's over a mountain, no, what gives me real trouble? Breaking out of my crazy. Le sigh.
I think that's it for now. I've got laundry to fold and other things to get to while both of the angels sleep. You know, things like a shower and maybe some food if I'm lucky. ;) This mom thing is pretty awesome! My heart races as I look at the "Publish Post" I ready for this? Are you? Have I proof read and spell checked enough? Nervous goes nothing...

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