Thanks to my AH-MAZING Mama & other major influences in my life, doing the "right" thing is usually an easy choice for me. Not something I can really explain. It's a little like the Hollywood "It" factor. Either you have it or you don't, but you can't really articulate it.
One of the best lessons I've gleaned from the teachings of perfection is living a greener life. You know the 3 r's? Reduce, reuse, recycle? Well their kinda a big deal to me. I may have been called a recycling Nazi once or twice. I also may be that girl who'll hold on to her "garbage" all day cause there's no place to recycle while I'm out and about. Oh ya, I do it. I believe all the small things count. My entire house and garage use CFL's, I wash and reuse my ziploc bags, use cloth shopping bags EVERYWHERE, recycle every possible thing I can, carry water bottles and stainless mugs for refills (plus I totally save $0.10), I drive as little as possible, unplug things when not in use, shut the lights off and don't let the water run. It's just a way of life for me.
When I found out I was pregnant the first time, I knew I couldn't put my child in diapers. I couldn't justify the expense, but more then that, the massive amounts of trash I'd be sending to the landfills. Sure, they make ugly white fences out of old diapers but there's far too many diapers for them all to be used. I got online and did some research. Cloth looked great but they're so bulky and often you end up changing clothes every time you change a diaper. I was SHOCKED to see the selection available. Not your momma's diapers that's for sure!
I came across gDiapers
. These looked perfect. I can compost them (total dream of mine), flush OR toss and they still break down? We are so in! Plus, the little g pants are too cute for words.
At first, I couldn't find them in Canada and had to order from the US. Yes, had to pay for shipping but it was a flat rate. So I'd order massive amounts at a time. Buying in bulk with the exchange etc worked out to about $0.70 a diaper. Certainly more expensive then regular diapers but it's good for the Earth and that's a cost I'm willing to swallow. Plus, I'll totally save money next time around because I already have the pants and liners. I was so pumped about it!
Few months ago, we started buying them locally. Local's always best right? WRONG. It dawned on me just last week that by doing that, I am now paying $1.60 PER DIAPER! Sure, I use less diapers then the average person. (By about half) But come on! With 2 sweet peeps in diapers, this is not a long term solution. Now I'm faced with a major dilemma, do I buy shitty landfill diapers because they're cheapest? Do I incur the start up cost of another cloth diaper system? The guilt I carry over this issue is RA-TARD-ED. Srsly.
Which leads me to another one I have major issues with: buying organic. Good golly miss molly I'd LOVE to buy all organic, all the time. Why is it so damn expensive?! Shouldn't it be easier to eat healthy? In the long run it's better all around. Better for us, better for the earth, better for our medical system. Yet, it's near impossible for the average family to afford it. Pretty sure it's cheaper to take a family of 4 out for fast food daily then it is to buy them organic food for a week. How does this work? Who's making these rules?
I just want to do the best for my family AND the Earth. I hate it when outside powers make doing the right thing, by my definition anyway, such a hard choice. Lames mcplains.