Monday, February 15, 2010

First Day of the Rest of My Life

Well the title may be a LITTLE dramatic. Still, today I did it! I went for my first run! Yesterday was supposed to be my big start. Life however, got in the way BIG TIME. I know that these challenges will come up in training over the next 5 months but I feel that they will be easier to overcome as time goes on. And you know how I feel about Monday starts. ;) I did forget to weigh myself this morning. Weight loss is not my focus so I'm not too worried about it but I would like to track it as a branch on the tree. I'm weird about weighing myself too. Always the same day of the week, always first thing in the morning. When I was seeing the midwife I refused to use her scale. Only a mad women weighs herself on a foreign scale, fully clothed, on a Wednesday afternoon!
Back to the run. Got all geared up, running socks and all and headed out the door. God I love to be outside! I think the temp was around 2 and it's sunny out. Perfect. I walked for a song, NIN Capital G, and then hit the pavement. It felt SO GOOD! Besides the HUGE mertle I was rocking. You know, the female front wedgie? Totally sexy. Few patches of ice but they were pretty noticeable. My biggest hurdle was dog shit. Seriously people! Pick up after your damn dogs! I want to throw dirty diapers on the lawn of every person who doesn't pick up their dog's shit. Man that would be a fun day! Stayed in my neighbourhood, no idea of
my "distance" but it wasn't far. Less then 20 minutes I was gone. It sounds ridiculous, but the last 2 blocks almost won. I just lifted my head and thought of that mountain, pressed on.
I feel like getting out this morning was the first of many hurdles. Right now, it seems like the biggest. Doesn't someone say "The first step is the hardest"? Hope so. There's so much I'm looking forward to. Running for more then 20 minutes, running with the kids, not having to pull my shirt down every block. Trish lent me a sweet ass shirt but lordy! That thing is TIGHT! I look forward to it fitting one day. So that's it. The training has begun. Prepare to be bored silly with all my training updates and other madness.

The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start.


  1. ok, so i don't know how to "follow" you... but i'm reading it!! :) and now that i can comment using my LJ name it's all good!!
    i love you!

  2. So proud of you, Angel B!!! One step at a time!!!
