Sunday, February 21, 2010

Noteable (?) Firsts

Ventured out to the park just the other day. I know, it's cold and all that but please. Staying in this house for weeks on end will drive you crazy. Plus, Kiara was dying to wear her 'Nucks gloves I just found. My little big girl walked the whole way by herself. AND she rode the big swing, also by herself. First time. Really other then that, not a whole lot for the small people to enjoy at our local ghetto park. That's okay though cause we were nearing meltdown stage and had to get back for Elmo anyway. She absolutely loves it outside, as does Cason, clearly, and I'm really looking forward to this spring and summer with her.

Cason had his first bottle on Saturday. I have such mixed emotoins about this. I was the same with Kiara. I really hoped that they would reject the bottle and I would "have" to nurse them. Neither did. Cason had a slight, very slight issue with it. That lasted all of 10 seconds. And then I was replaced. Dramatic, non? I'm so scared that he'll take the bottle and never want me again. For anything. Completely normal I'm sure. I was mostly concerned with the monster because he eats so much. Thought he might love the faster flow of a bottle. However, he drank too much, too fast and ended up hurling a good portion of it on the floor. Does he know how hard that shit is to make?! Some people's kids, I tell you.

Didn't quiet make my running goal this week. This am wake up shit is rough. I logged four runs thus far with another one scheduled for later today. I have to wait for sleepy pants to get out of bed before I abandon my children. ;) Interesting things I've learned, hookers work at 0630. Shocking I thought. Yesterday it was pretty chilly out as I was hitting the pavement. I ran across a couple, STANDING outside of a BAR SMOKING. She looks at me and says, "You're running in THIS?! Are you CRAZY?!" Right, I'm crazy. And wasting my life. Oh wait, that's you.

I have a love hate relationship with stupid people. I hate for obvious reasons. I love being able to bitch at and about them. I really do. It's a little fun to get worked up about nothing really. Vent all my pent up whatever-ness at some stranger. For the record, I don't usually rant at these people face to face. I'm way classier then that. I do it behind their back.

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